1967 BELL UH-1H “HUEY”
BELL UH-1H (HUEY) is designed by the American company “Bell Helicopter Textron” in 1952 and the serial production of this model began in 1956. These helicopters are produced for military transportation and they are called UH-1 Iroquois as well. They are also used for search & rescue, transportation and training.
More than 16.000 UH-1 helicopters were manufactured. They were used as military helicopters by the US army during The Vietnam War. Approximately 7.000 of these helicopters served in Vietnam with the nickname “Huey”.
UH-1H, which was produced at first only for military purposes received more attention than expected and served for civilian purposes as well. Huey which is one of the most famous helicopters of the world, is still serving in many countries. Türkiye added UH-1 Helicopters to the inventories of the Turkish Air Force, Turkish Armed Forces and Gendermarie General Command.
The skeleton structure of UH-1 Huey is based on Bell Model 204. It is powered by Lycoming T53-L-13B 1400 HP Turboshaft engine. It has two bladed-main and tail rotors.
UH-1 helicopter with serial number 66-17072 in the inventory of M.S.Ö. Air & Space Museum is produced in 1967. It is used for the air transportation of “Hornet Attack Team” during the Vietnam War. On its final flight in Vietnam, helicopter was hit by a rocket in the air and upon making a forced landing, it suffered heavy damage but the crew survived. Therefore, it is accepted as a real “Vietnam Veteran”. On the front part of the helicopter, a big yellow “hornet” figure is seen which is identified with the Attack Team. It is one of the few UH-1H helicopters returned to America after the Vietnam War. UH-1H with the serial 66-17072 was repaired in Bell factory and then flew in different branches of the US Army.
Airworthy Vietnam Veteran UH-1 H was brought to M.S.Ö. Air & Space Museum in December 2020 with the contributions of Kamuran KESKİN.

UH-1H, serial no: 66-17072 at Vietnam War

UH-1H, serial no: 66-17072 at Vietnam War
Rotor vane diameter
Engine type
Engine power
Empty weight
17,4 M
2,62 M
4,39 M
14,63 M
1 × 1400 HP
507 KM
2.363 KG
4.309 KG
Approximately 8-10 people.
Length 17,4 M
Width 2,62 M
Rotor vane diameter 14,63 M
Engine type 1X TEXTRON LYCOMING T53-L-13
Engine power 1×1400 HP
Range 507 KM
Empty weight 2.363 KG
Capacity 8 -10 person.
Height 4,39 M